This collection of short stories... display[s] a literary imagination of high order wedded
to a probing mind that should command our attention. A Sri Lankan born black Australian
visits Amsterdam only to be confronted by the ambivalences and complexities of his
identity; a Sri Lankan family arrives in Perth, their new home, as what it is to be here
is constantly and disconcertingly being juxtaposed in the narrator's mind with what it was
to be there; a newly arrived immigrant father, through the experiences of his daughter,
faces up to the realities of racism and the attractions of his new home; a husband is
caught between the power of nostalgia and the material comforts of the present; a father
and son go out looking for ice cream as they encounter the inescapable ramifications of
multiculturality in Australia. It is through situations such as these that Sunil Govinnage
has sought to focus attention on the complexities of diasporic existence and the desire to
map the variable meanings of home and exile.
� Dr. Wimal Dissanayake, Senior Research Fellow, East-West Center, Hawaii
Sunil Govinnage's book 'Black Swans and Other Stories'
is due for release in February/March 2000

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